Our activities
Hospital construction and support

Previously, there was no hospital in Wamba and people had to go to clinics in neighboring villages. With our support, the only clinic at Wamba was established in 2008.
Currently, we provide annual support for medical equipment and medicines.
School construction and school supply

Wamba has six primary schools and two secondary schools. Most of the buildings are built with mud walls and palm leaf thatched roofs, which are common traditional construction methods. We pay to repair the roofs of the schools and we are also supporting the construction of brick and tin-roofed schools. We are currently supporting the construction of a secondary school (Facebook post)
We annually provide school supplies (notebooks, pens, soccer balls, etc.) to schools in Wamba and three neighboring villages. (Facebook post)
The scholarship

We are providing scholarships to secondary school students (12 students/a year) in Wamba and three neighboring villages. We also provide scholarships to a total of 10 university students/a year from a wide area of Djolu district, including Wamba. (Facebook post)
Repairing road and bridges

Each year, we provide funding to Djolu district and Luo states, where Wamba is located. The money is used to repair roads and bridges in wide areas. (Facebook post)
We also provide specific support for bridges and roads construction and maintenance for Wamba.
River Transport Project

Because land traffic infrastructure was devastated during the civil wars (1996 to 1997, 1998 to 2003), people in Wamba have to walk for about a week to get to a large market near Kisangani in order to sell their products (Facebook post). When river transportation is available, they can carry a large amount of products from Luo River near the village to Congo River, and sell them at a large city along the River, Mbandaka. However, this requires a large boat and the skills to operate it.
With this in mind, we organized “A River Transport Project” in 2017 in collaboration with local people. We helped people to collect local products and transport them by boat to sell in Mbandaka. We ran a trial attempt in 2017, hiring the boat and watermen. Since then, we have supported the construction of two boats for Wamba and the neighboring Iyonji village in 2019, and the next trip is planned to be independent and managed by villagers.
Patrols and educational activities

In order to control illegal activities such as logging in primary forests, and the use of guns and wire traps in the reserved area, we employ forest guards for patrolling.
We also conduct educational activities for local people about the importance of preventing poaching and the sustainable use of the forest.
In 2019, we designed a 4-day workshop (Facebook Post). Wamba has five communities: Yayenge, Yasongo, Yowala, Yopete, Yokose. We held one workshop for each community, i.e., five workshops in five months. In the first three days, 4-5 representative villagers (chief of Wamba, chief of the community, and 2-3 villagers of the community), and staff members of CREF (research center of ecology and forestry) walked the forest area that the community use. They conducted a census of human usage of the forest, both traditional and illegal, as well as traces of animals. During the census, CREF staffs also discussed with villagers about the sustainable use of the forest. On the fourth day, we invited all villagers in the community and had a meeting. In the meeting, not the researchers, but the representative villagers gave lectures to other villagers about what they saw and learned in the forest.
It was a really successful workshop, enjoyed by all participants, and we hope to conduct such workshop every year.
Supporting the local radio station

We support a local radio station which is located at Djolu (ca 80 km away from Wamba). The local radio actively broadcasts about the importance of conservation of bonobos and the forest. Some of our members have spoken on their show and talked about our activities.
PR Activities

We are giving presentations about our activities at symposiums and lectures in Japan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, and internationally.